Cancer — Alexa Score

living with cancer 

Alexa was diagnosed with Chronic Myeloid Leukemia, cancer of the blood and bone marrow, at age 16. The immediate prognosis was grim as there were nearly no treatment options for her specific leukemia. She decided to forego a bone marrow transplant to try a new drug, and after a heavy battle, the drug proved successful at getting Alexa’s cancer under control. Eighteen years later, Alexa continues to take a dose of oral chemotherapy every single day with the intention of keeping the cancer at a controlled level.

Despite dealing with daily side effects of the her disease and its treatment, Alexa has never let her ailment hold her back from pursuing her dreams and refuses to let her disease define her. Alexa is a passionate survivor and is dedicated to using her story to benefit and inspire others. 

Over the years, she’s used her platform to raise awareness and encourage support for various causes, including BeTheMatch, Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, American Caner Society, and others. Alexa has personally raised thousands for charity and through speaking, appearances, and social media, has helped other individuals and organizations raise funds for their respective campaigns.

partner organizations

In 2013, Alexa had a health scare - her cancer counts were rising and doctors feared that her Leukemia had become resistant to her what happened next in the video below.

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